P17M of ecstasy seized in Pampanga operations – PDEA

The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) on Saturday confiscated around P17-million worth of ecstasy in separate operations in Lubao, Pampanga.

Director Derrick Carreon, PDEA spokesperson, said the first operation was conducted by PDEA operatives around 8:20pm at a gasoline station in San Roque, Dau in Lubao, Pampanga which resulted to the arrest of four alleged drug suspects.

In a follow up operation, operatives arrested another drug suspect near a hardware store in the same area at around 8:38pm.

Confiscated from both operations were around 10,000 tablets of ecstasy amounting to P17 million.

Suspects will face charges for violation of the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. Ella Dionisio/DMS