Supermarkets to assist government in hog products supply amid price cap

To further ensure sufficient supply of pork products, supermarkets will lend a helping hand to the government in the distribution and sale of these products at their outlets nationwide and in wet markets at the National Capital Region.

In yesterday’s market visits, Metropolitan Manila Development Chairman Benhur Abalos underscored the importance of “whole-of-nation” approach in safeguarding supply and implementing price cap.

“We laud the initiative of supermarkets in making sure that pork products are accessible and affordable to the public,” Abalos said.

“With the help of the private sector and the local government units, we can expect enough and consistent supply of pork products in the coming days,” he added.

Acccording to Department of Agriculture Secretary William Dar, supermarkets committed to buy live hogs straight from the port area, slaughter them, and distribute it to their outlets.

“The DA is eyeing to link them to wet markets to make sure that even public markets have enough supply,” Dar explained.

For his part, Department of Trade and Industry Secretary Ramon Lopez said that the move will lessen transactions with middlemen who are manipulating farmgate prices and causing the shoot up of prices.

“Through this, cost-cutting is easier and retailers can get direct access of the products. Price ceiling will be followed if we unmask these traders,” Lopez said.

Anthony Yu of the SM Hypermarkets said that their 300 outlets across the country are ready to help the government to give the public hog produce for a price a few pesos cheaper than the implemented ceiling.

The DA has asked the MMDA for support and assistance to enjoin the local chief executives in strengthening their respective local price coordinating councils for strict price monitoring amid the imposition of price ceiling in pork and chicken products in Metro Manila. MMDA