Gov’t discussing possible assistance for residents in ECQ

The government is discussing possible assistance that will be provided to the residents who will be affected in next week’s enhanced community quarantine (ECQ).
“Our local chief executives in NCR are continuously conducting meeting to discuss the assistance that will be provided to our people which includes the possible in kind or in cash assistance, so it is being discussed,” National Task Force Against Covid-19 spokesman Restituto Padilla said in a public briefing on Saturday.
Padilla said the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) will work with local chief executives for the matter.
“It (assistance) is still being discussed, that is why there is a grace period to prepare for the implementation of ECQ, to put everyone in good condition and it includes providing assistance that we can give to our people who need it,” he said.
“The amount is still being discussed but the amount will be based on our capabilities. The DSWD will coordinate with our local chief executives especially in NCR and other areas that will be placed under ECQ to provide the assistance that will come from the national government,” he added.
Padilla said despite the coming ECQ the COVID-19 vaccination program of the government will continue.
“Our vaccination will continue, we will not stop this because this is the most important thing that we should do while we are facing this new Delta variant,” he said.
“Public transportation will be allowed so that the people will be able to go to the vaccination center in their local government unit. The coordination and details of this will be released before Aug. 6 to inform the people that our vaccination will continue,” he added. Robina Asido/DMS